Postdoc Sonya Hanson joins Nobel Laureate Joachim Frank's lab

Congratulations to Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Sonya Hanson, who has joined the laboratory of Joachim Frank at Columbia University to learn the exciting new technique of cryo-EM spectroscopy coupled with manifold embedding to reveal the dynamic conformational landscapes of TRP channels, an important class of integrative sensing proteins Sonya extensively studied as a graduate student. Frank was recently awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (along with Jacques Dubochet and Richard Henderson) for his seminal contributions to advancing the technology of cryo-electron microscopy to become a powerful technique for imaging the conformations of biomolecules. Sonya will maintain strong links with the laboratory and the Folding@home Consortium as she progresses toward an independent faculty position.

You can see more fantastic work from Dr. Hanson at her Google Scholar page, check out her recent paper on the heat activation of TRPV1 in PNAS, and find out more about her career trajectory at her website.