COVID Moonshot seeks NIH funding

The COVID Moonshot—our patent-free, open science effort to discover an orally available inhibitor for SARS-CoV-2 main viral protease that could be used for treatment or prophylaxis following exposure—submitted a proposal to the NIH NIAID COVID-19 Emergency R01 program for funding to complete our task to deliver an inhibitor for IND-enabling studies! Award decisions should be made in Sep 2020, and funds beginning Oct 2020.

You can read the scientific component of the proposal (submitted 2020-08-14) here: [PDF]

UPDATE: NIH timelines have pushed back proposal review to Jan 2021.

UPDATE: We submitted a one-page supplement with additional preliminary data on 2020-12-14: [PDF]

UPDATE: Summary Statements have been made available on 2021-02-01: [PDF]