The limitations of constant-force-feedback experiments

Phillip J. Elms, John D. Chodera, Carlos J. Bustamante, and Susan Marqusee.
Biophys. J. 103:1490, 2012. [DOI] [PDF]

Popular constant-force-feedback single-molecule experiments can cause severe artifacts in single-molecule force spectroscopy data.  We demonstrate a simple alternative that eliminates these artifacts.

The molten globule state is unusually deformable under mechanical force

Philip J. Elms, John D. Chodera, Carlos Bustamante, and Susan Marqusee.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109:3796, 2012. [DOI] [PDF]

We measure the physical properties of the molten globule state of apo-myoglobin, and show that it is unusually deformable compared to typical protein native states.

The ribosome modulates nascent protein folding

Christian M. Kaiser, Daniel H. Goldman, John D. Chodera, Ignacio Tinoco Jr., and Carlos Bustamante.
Science 334:1723, 2011. [DOI] [PDF]

Using single-molecule force spectroscopy, we show how the ribosome itself modulates the folding dynamics of nascent protein chains emerging from the exit tunnel.

Optimal estimators and asymptotic variances for nonequilibrium path-ensemble averages

David D. D. L. Minh and John D. Chodera.
J. Chem. Phys. 131:134110, 2009. [DOI] [PDF]

We derive an optimal estimator and corresponding statistical uncertainties for inferring expectations of bidirectional nonequilibrium processes.  These estimators have widespread applicability in single-molecule biophysical force-spectroscopy experiments and nonequilibrium molecular simulations.